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Selectmen Minutes 05/20/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 20, 2014

Members Present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan and Jamie A Pike, Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Philip Hitchcock, Ann Davis, Steve Stock, Thomas Houle

Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Warden Steve Stock was present to speak with the Board regarding billing practices for wildland fires.  

Mr. Paveglio explained that Chief Quimby had conversations with Epsom regarding the billing for equipment usage to other municipalities.  Mr. Stock recalls that if less than an hour was spent on a call there would be no billing.  If over an hour of time was spent on the call, the municipality would be billed.  Mr. Stock received a text message from Chief Quimby on Monday May 12th questioning why the Town of Epsom was billed for the equipment.  Warden Stock explained that there was no accidental or natural cause found for the fire.  There were witnessed persons leaving the scene of the fire alleging the fire was intentional.  After investigation, Epsom would be reimbursable 100% by the responsible party if found.  Warden Stock inquired about submitting a revised bill.  This could not be done at this time.  Warden Stock feels it is a double standard in the billing practice.  Warden Miner informed Warden Stock that nothing wrong was done.  Each Town handles its billing differently without consistency.  Mr. Pike informed the Board that the Epsom Board of Selectmen has approved and submitted payment for the invoice.  Both Mr. Paveglio and Mr. Jordan feel Warden Stock’s billing has been consistent and see no reason to change the current practice.  

Tax Anticipation Note

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to authorize the issuance of a Tax Anticipation Note with an aggregate principal of up to $468,000 in order to meet the necessary expenses as may come before the Town.  Motion passes.

Other Business

Shaw Field Agreement.  The Board reviewed the prepared agreement and discussed having a minimum insurance binder requirement.  Ms. Noel also asked the Board to include a provision for a buffer around the “large rock” as the Heritage Commission has planted bulbs.  The Board agreed to the buffer, Mr. Pike was directed to flag the buffer area.  Mr. Briggs shall be contacted and requested to submit an insurance certificate and executed agreement before final signing by the Board.

Fire Department Privacy Fence.  The Board reviewed three bids from Dawson Fence, American Fence, AMC Fencing and NH Picket Fences for both vinyl and wooden stockade fencing. A motion was made by Mr. Pavgelio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to grant the fence contract to Dawson Fencing for a 100 ft X 6ft tall vinyl stockade fence for the amount of $2,780 and to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Funds for this purpose.  Motion passes.

Mr. Jordan was named “Clerk of the Works” for the aforementioned projected.

Main Street Crosswalk.  Mr. Pike reported on the meeting with DOT earlier in the day.  The DOT representatives spoke about many potential options, surveyed the area and will make a final written report.  An immediate suggestion was to remove the tree at the corner of the parking lot to substantially increase visibility.  Mr. Jordan volunteered to remove the tree.

School Parking Lot.  Mr. Paveglio reported that he met with the Fire Dept and School Board regarding the issues being had with parking for large events at the school.  The School Board has committed to upgrading the marking and signage of the parking lot and will implement of policy of having parking lot monitors during large events.  Discussion was had about adding NO PARKING signage along the frontage of the school and Deer Meadow Road.

Burnt Hill Road Logging Operation.  The Board received a complaint regarding a nuisance timber operation off Burnt Hill Road located in the Town of Epsom from resident Bret Pescinski.  Mr. Pescinski alleges that the operation begins around 5:30am and is very disruptive to the neighborhood.  Mr. Pescinski is requesting that the Board enforce the Chichester Zoning Ordinance Section 3.20 Noise Abatement.  The Board discussed the complaint and interpreted the zoning ordinance to only have jurisdiction over the Commercial Zone and whereas the operation is wholly located in Epsom, the Board has no jurisdiction to enforce any regulation.  Mr. Jordan stated that he would talk to the contractor the following afternoon.  Mr. Pike was directed to contact the Town of Epsom to inquire on any enforceable regulations or ordinance they may have and provide this information to Mr. Pescinski.

Mr. Paveglio reported that he will not be in attendance for the meeting on June 3rd.

Ms. Noel reported that Nate Bronnenberg (the buyer of Walt Sanborn’s place) has offered to mow the area directly behind the Historical Society.

Mr. Pike reported to the Board that the case of Brandon Giuda v. Town of Chichester has been upheld by the Superior Court in that Mr. Giuda does not have standing as an abutter with rights to appeal.  Mr. Giuda has 10 days to request a re-hearing or 30 days to file an appeal in Supreme Court.

Being no further business a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:12pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jamie A Pike